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Ready to Trial?


All agility enthusiasts are eager to enter their first trial. You will always remember your first trial. It will be both exciting and anxiety provoking. 

In an effort to reduce the anxiety and help you prepare for a successful first trial, we have put together a list of pre-trial questions and suggestions for your consideration:

(Please answer honestly and discuss with your present instructor).

1. Is your dog proficient on all the agility equipment?

    a. Dog has no fear of any of the agility equipment.

    b. Dog understands/performs “two on two off” or has RELIABLE wait on all contact equipment.

    c. Dog performs weave poles reliably from all sides/angles

    d. Dog possesses a reliable stay at the start line.

    e. Dog possesses a reliable recall.

    f. Dog performs the table efficiently.

2. As the handler have you read and do you understand the rules and regulations of the agility trial?

    a. Rules and regulations for AKC.

    b. Rules and regulations for USDAA

    c. Rules and regulations for NADAC

3. Do you possess the appropriate registration for your dog for the kind of trial you wish to enter?

4. Has your dog been measured? Do you possess a jump height card for your dog?

If you answered YES to all the questions above, please consider the following pre-trial suggestions.


1. Speak with your present instructor regarding your intentions to enter a trial. Listen objectively to your instructor’s constructive suggestions/opinions.

2. Volunteer to work at a trial to obtain a better understanding of how the trial works.

3. Take your dog to one or more “run through’s” at a different training location.